The Christmas Countdown is ON!

With Christmas fast approaching, we are well and truly getting into the swing of things and welcome the festive season with arms wide open! Something that I have always loved about Christmas is the gift of giving and really thinking carefully about the wonderful gifts that my family members would love and can keep for years to come. Each gift is carefully considered and usually planned well in advance (I guess the inner perfectionist in me creeps out a little here 😂😂). Seeing their faces light up when it comes time to opening the presents is so magical and this makes it all worthwhile. I love buying or creating memorable gifts for my family so that when Christmas comes around, I try and make it as special as I can, just as they have done for me throughout my life. I remember the enormous effort my parents went through to make Christmas as magical as possible for my brother and I when we were growing up. The presents were always beautifully wrapped, the tree decorated in glittered baubles and hand made paper ornaments we had made each year at school - every year there was a new crafted ornament hopefully better than the last one. Of course we couldn't wait to see what Santa had brought for us all the way from the North Pole and whether or not we had made it onto the nice list. The day would always be celebrated with family, plenty of food (coming from an ethnic background we love to put on a good spread), games and poolside activities. It was merry, bright and of course not a day that I ever wanted to end. As the years go by, I realise just how grateful I am for these wonderful childhood memories and remember what an exciting time Christmas was and what it meant to me and my family. Reflecting on how Christmas has changed as I have grown older and now live in a different country to my family, the day still represents what it always has for me. It is about sharing, giving, having fun and laughing. It is about being in the beautiful present moment with your loved ones and really taking it all in. It is a time for rest and letting go of all of the stress from the busy year. It is a time to treasure your nearest and dearest and have gratitude for all of the wonderful things that God has blessed you with. Remember the sacrifices that others have made for you and think about the little bit extra that you can give to others, whether this be more of your time, effort and energy or even a compliment or happier demeanour to brighten someones day. This is what it is all about, getting to be your best, most uplifted and vibrant self so that you in turn can share this with someone else. The domino effect has a massive impact!

It is after all the Season to be jolly and with this in mind, we will be doing a weekly count down until Christmas. Each week will have a unique special offer in the lead up until Christmas. Limited edition gifts and offers will be available right up until the 24th December so if you are a last minute shopper, we've got you covered! Our first offer will be starting from next week (14th - 20th November) so don't forget to subscribe and check your inbox for weekly updates.

I would love to hear about your Christmas memories and stories. What does Christmas represent to you? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Much love always,


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